The Archie Williams High School Swimming Pool allows our athletes to train in a brand new state of the art facility. The Archie Williams High School pool is located at 1327 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, San Anselmo, CA 94960.
The San Domenico Pool is a brand new state of the art facility. San Domenico Pool is located at 1500 Butterfield Rd., San Anselmo, CA 94960 Map>
The Marin Academy Pool is a brand new state of the art competition pool. Marin Academy Pool is located at 1532 Fifth Ave. , San Rafael, CA. 94901 Map>
The Archie Williams, Marin Academy and San Domenico Pools allow our athletes to train in state of the art facilities. We have a golden opportunity to use these community treasures and we need to make sure we treat it as such.
Because of Liability Issues and our desires to to keep our impact on the facilities and school grounds as small as possible; we are requesting the following to be adhered to at all times.
• No one but Athletes may be in the pool area during their scheduled practice times. This means no parents on the pool deck during practices.
• No food or drinks on the pool deck.
• No Pets on school grounds.
• The Facility is not a jungle gym for kids. There is no climbing on pool covers, lifeguard chairs, diving boards, fences and equipment.
Thank you,